9年前 (2015-02-27)  Mac软件 |   1 条评论  219 
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一、虚拟机运行优化工具 : Coriolis VMOptimizer简介


Being able to run other operating systems without having to restart your Mac is undeniably useful, but over time performance can degrade which can be frustrating if you’re trying to run a game. You might have been able to improve this performance by running a defragmenter such as iDefrag, but that only olves part of the problem.

Most files only suffer from one kind of file fragmentation, but virtual disks suffer from three different kinds of fragmentation which means the performance degradation caused by it is multiplied. Now it is possible to tackle each kind of fragmentation individually, but that’s awkward and time consuming. Things get even more complicated when you add the fact that virtual disks are usually split into many files and they might be using snapshots.

This is where VMOptimizer steps in. It quickly and efficiently tackles all three1 kinds of fragmentation in one go.
VMOptimizer is also able to make other optimizations that can significantly boost performance, such as realigning partitions that happen to be misaligned.

二、虚拟机运行优化工具 : Coriolis VMOptimizer截图

[Mac]虚拟机运行优化工具 : Coriolis VMOptimizer

三、虚拟机运行优化工具 : Coriolis VMOptimizer下载信息






表情 格式
  1. 物理内存装大一点,或者换个固态硬盘就好,没必要装这样的软件

    kim524444 评论达人 LV.3 8年前 (2016-11-24) [0] [0]


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